Category Archives: Pyeongtaek

You have boyfriend?

Aaaaah, the infamous question asked by  99.3% of the Asian women that I have had a personal interaction with on this journey, to include the middle-aged woman in the lobby of the hotel.  😐 When I answered her and said “No, I’m single” the pleasant look on her face turned to one of sheer concern with a side of “What the hell is wrong with you?”.  This was then followed by questions regarding age, date of last relationship, and sexual orientation. 

Early on in my trip I wrote about a few other people inquiring about my marital status. I know this is a common occurence for women traveling abroad by themselves.  I’ve spoken to natives of various Asian countries and asked about the average age of marriage for a man and woman.  I also wanted to know what people thought about women who were over 30 and still single.  The responses were both astonishing and hilarious.  I was told stories about being disowned by family, shunned by their peers, or even asked if they were lesbians because they had yet to marry.

I had never felt pressured to be in a relationship or get married until two years ago when my mother told me she was praying that God would send me a husband.  😐 WHAT??????????? How the heck are you going to pray for something that you don’t even know I want? No wonder a tribe of people I had dated in my past had been calling or emailing out of the blue.  Her “need” for me to find a “tall dark and handsome Christian man” came out of nowhere. I was never one of those little girls who put the towel around her head and pretended she was a bride, putting a doll under my shirt to pretend I was pregnant, or who recruited neighborhood little boys to play house. No ma’am.  I was trying to pop wheelies on my big wheel and taking a scissor to my dolls head to make her look better.

I get way over to Asia and start feeling like I should have a plus-one with me on this journey.  Well, thankfully that was just a case of temporary insanity.  I’m definitely not in a hurry to jump the broom, tie the knot, or birth any babies…wait..I just got a little nauseous which means this conversation needs to come to an abrupt end.

You guys get the picture….. toodles 😉

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Breaking News: No rice included with your meal?

Why in the world is rice an additional cost when you order most meals in Southeast Asia…and now at some restaurants in Korea? Continue reading

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I’ve been in Korea for a few days now and I honestly feel stuck. There have been plenty of times along this journey where I felt unsure of everything. Unsure if I was doing the right thing being on the road or if I was in the right place. But this time I’m questioning all the above in addition to “what next?” and “where to next?”.    Continue reading

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