I’ve been in the states for a few days now and I can’t reiterate enough how happy I am to be theheckupout (a Venusism…learn it!) of Tanzania. My mom decided to spend the last few days of her vacation down here with me so she flew in on the same day I arrived. Since the second she got here I’ve been chauffeuring her around to every thrift/consignment store in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. This just so happens to be her favorite pastime. So who am I to deny her a good deal on something she may or may not need? (HI MOM! 😉 ) Despite the fact that I made a mistake and spent money on a few things that I may or may not have needed myself I truly enjoyed our time spent.
Shout out to my Mom who is the only person I can go to a store with against my will, spend 23238042394039 hours in said store and I’m the one who winds up spending a ton of money. She only buys two things despite the fact that there were 98987 in her cart. I don’t get it.
IN OTHER NEWS…I had my Orthodontist appointment yesterday and this cat took one look at my retainer and shook his head. I’m not fluent in mind reading but I assumed that meant he couldn’t fix it. I got a temporary retainer yesterday afternoon but opted to use this one as a backup and order the “sturdy” kind as my primary. That being said I’ll be in Dallas for another week until it is ready. While I know for sure there are a ton of things in this huge city that I could get in to I honestly prefer to catch up with a few good friends and take multiple naps for the rest of the time.
I’m exhausted!!!